Monday, November 8, 2010

Upcoming Events

We have no school this Thursday because of Veteran's Day

This Friday will be our annual Turkey Bingo! It's always a great time and an opportunity to win some great Thanksgiving themed prizes!

Next week will be Grandparents Day on November 17th. That is a great day for families and students alike. If you decide to have your child's grandparent take them home after the festivities then make sure to call the school or write a note the morning of. We will also be having our Book Fair going on that day.

Since kids are about MES we will be having a Read-In. Students bring in blankets, pillows (that can fit in their backpack) and get to cozy and read. Students may bring in age-appropriate books and magazines of their choice.

Thank you to those of you who promptly returned conference preference forms. That really helps me in scheduling conference times. I will be sending out your scheduled time by the end of the week or early next week. =-) Have a great day!

Ms. Raethke