Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Add My Blog!

If you are one of the few and the proud that check my blog, please be sure to add it by "following" where you can automatically get updates when I post. Today I showed the class my blog so hopefully you can take an opportunity to check it out with your child. Thanks!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Class Party on Friday

To celebrate Christmas break, we will have a fun last day of school on the 18th. At 9:30 there is the annual All-School sing along and then immediately following we will have our own class party. Students may bring in juice and/or cookies to celebrate in the festivities and we will watch a movie. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. I will be sending home a note with additional information tomorrow or Tuesday. Thanks!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thank You! (And a few other things)

Thank you to those of you who made it out for conferences. It was a great turn out and it was nice to talk about the great things your children are doing in 4th grade.

We have a very busy week this week.

We have our good citizens assembly at 10am on Thursday. Also, our class won for the 4/5 pod in the canned food drive. Because of our big win, our class will go to an assembly at 12:45 that Thursday, a magic show put on by the Fire Department! Yipee!

Of coarse, Thursday evening is the Civil War, Go Beavs! =) Have a great week!