Tuesday, October 27, 2009


On Friday October 30th our class will be having a small class party. Our party will start at approximately 2:00, where kids can change into their costumes (if they choose to bring one that is easy to wear). Students will just be wearing a costume, not applying any make up. We will watch a magic show starring Mr. Bledsoe at approximately 2:15, so they have 15 minutes maximum to get changed. Following the magic show we will share treats. If you would like to provide a treat for the class, we have 24 students. Any treat brought in needs to be store-bought. If you have any additional questions or concerns please let me know. Thank you!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Testing Tomorrow

A note went home today to let you know we are starting State testing tomorrow. We wills start with Math and then follow with Reading on Thursday. It is highly encouraged that students get a good night sleep and breakfast tomorrow. I look forward sharing results with you shortly.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Spelling Week of 10/19

Spelling Word List- For my Reading Group


Thursday, October 15, 2009

State Testing

Our class will start Oregon State testing next week. It is essential that students get a good night's sleep and breakfast in the morning (either at home or here at school). If you have any questions please feel free to email or give me a phone call. Thanks!

Monday, October 5, 2009


Just a few reminders...

* No homework for my Homeroom class.

* NO spelling this week for my Reading Group.

* We have optional conferences this Thursday. I sent home a note if you wanted to request to meet with me. If I have not heard from you I am assuming you just want to wait until our regular conference time in November. Please email me if you have questions/concerns or want to schedule something for Thursday.

* We do not have school October 7-9th. The 7th is a grade day for teachers, the 8th is Optional Conference day, and the 9th is a Statewide Inservice.

*Fundraiser packets are due October 13th.